Product images are a powerful means of attracting attention of visitors and the way retail giants like Amazon and eBay have regulated product images has greatly influenced how visitors view images. Even independent stores have begun to implement such guidelines and regulations in order to match the retail marketplace. However it all goes down to the effect of your inventory visuals on potential customers. The more you are able to leverage it the better.
Fulfilling your product listing image requirements through photo retouching
Your inventory needs to be accompanied by images of your sales items. The thing about images is that they are the next best thing for visitors after material contact which isn’t possible with online shopping, so all the features and values of a product have to be reflected within product images. It is a difficult thing to get right with the regulations and strict guidelines of a popular company like Amazon as there are certain challenges that online store owners come across.
Lighting issues
While taking pictures for some products due to environmental constraints and low light conditions, the output comes out dim and also on occasions covered in shadows. Merely giving such pictures a white background is not enough to make any kind of impact on customers. These images need retouching to fall well within Amazon guidelines. The solution for images with improper lighting and unnecessary shadows is expert product image editing which addresses the lighting issues properly and the final product image reflects both natural light and shadows.
Color variations
At times inventory items exhibit a color variation in the images as compared to their original color. Uploading such images can be misleading to customers as they may not find the original product as depicted on the listing. It is risky for any seller’s reputation and needs redressal. Natural color correction is offered as a part of Amazon photo retouching by any professional product image editing company and is oft employed by countless sellers to deal with this particular issue.
Handling textures and finishing
Making images enticing for customers needs a proper aesthetic approach. Some products have intricate details like textures that are potentially eye catching and need to be highlighted in order for visitors to view. It requires use of a variety of image enhancement techniques to showcase the sell-able aspect of products to visitors. Also prior to uploading images, it must be ensured that they are properly finished and don’t have any blemishes left untended.
One of the noticeable aspects of popular product listings is their engaging and value highlighting product images. Amazon photo retouching can be a useful way to strengthen your product listing’s appeal among customers.
Is your Amazon store performing? Quiktek has all the means and industry experience to transform your store fortunes on Amazon and other retail platforms. Still skeptic? Allow us to address your queries. Send us an email at