How to Write a Killer Product Copy Without Being Too Wordy

September 18, 2019 eCommerce content management services, eCommerce Copywriting Services


Writing a product copy that sells is both an art and a science. It’s an art because it requires expertise, creative skills, and know-how. Having all these elements enables you to craft a copy that not only educates your prospects but also persuades them to make a purchase. It is also a science because your copy will go through a slew of trials, tests, failures, and subsequent improvements. By maintaining the right balance of both, you can come up with a killer product copy.

First things first; when writing a copy, try to avoid writing generic product titles and descriptions as they won’t do you any good. If you don’t have a flair for writing, it is advisable to opt for eCommerce copywriting services. And even if you do, we would suggest that you read until the end to know how to write a convincing product copy.

1. Bid adieu to your pet phrases or words

Commerce Copywriting Tips

Every writer has a bunch of pet words or phrases that they keep on repeating after every few lines. The first rule that you have to follow when writing a copy is to let go of your favorite phrases or words as these may or may not resonate well with your audience.

Once you’re done writing and begin to edit your copy, try to eliminate “literally, well, therefore, henceforth, besides, etc.” and other related words as they are not required. You can also look for long phrases such as “as a result, revolutionary product, no matter what, at the end” and remove them from your copy. By using the Hemingway editor application, you can avoid irrelevant phrases or words without any hassle. This easy-to-use tool highlights lengthy and complex sentences, redundant words, and common errors in your copy and also provides the readability score of your content.

2. Write as you are selling to a customer in person

Commerce Copywriting Tips

When writing the first draft, put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Offer an in-store experience of sorts by being as persuasive as possible. Address your prospect in the second person. Don’t think of SEO, keywords or spelling and grammatical errors. Once you are done writing the initial draft, give it another look, and edit to bridge the gaps.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when editing your copy:

  • Use a natural tone, and avoid slang, business jargon, and clichés
  • Keep your sentences simple, short, and appealing
  • Try to forge an emotional connection with your prospective customers
  • Address the pain points and educate your prospects on how your product can offer a suitable fix
  • Sell them a positive experience for turning them into repeat customers

Once you incorporate all the above elements in your copy, read it aloud and assess whether it looks like a real human conversation. Is there anything missing? Have you covered all the features in the form of benefits? You can use the below checklist to ensure your product copy is ready to go live.

  • Have you used power words to drive sales? And what about those positive phrases that can help you win customers’ trust?
  • Make sure all your sentences are grammatically correct
  • Begin your sentence with action verbs, and write them in active voice
  • Add social proof – mention social influencers who may have used your product, to add credibility

Also, read how hiring eCommerce data entry specialists can help drive your sales.

3. Write simple yet powerful headlines

eCommerce Copywriting Headlines

While writing headlines, you’ve to compete for the customers’ attention. So, it’s better to avoid using headlines with puns as you may inadvertently confuse your audience. Believe us, they don’t have enough time to stop and ponder over what you are trying to say.

Instead, you are encouraged to use simple language, but then do ensure that your headlines are powerful enough to make the customers click out of sheer curiosity. If you find it difficult to craft powerful headlines, you may reach out to experts who provide eCommerce copywriting services. Hiring experienced copywriters will free you of the responsibility of writing compelling headlines and let you utilize your productive time for other core business functions.

4. Be clear and specific

eCommerce Copywriting Strategy

When writing a product copy, you should simply describe how your product can benefit your customers rather than building analogies. Also, it is suggested to avoid using tricky or buzzwords, as they hardly add any value. Hit the bulls-eye right away, as simple as that.

5. Let go of the deets

eCommerce Product Copywriting Hacks

No doubt, details are important, but make sure you don’t end up burdening your customers with an information dump. So, what you can do is to present your product’s features and details as benefits, and tell customers how your product can solve their problems.

You can also try the following ideas:

  • Highlight the problems of your customers before you sell the solution (product)
  • Help your customers visualize how they will feel after using your product
  • If you are selling air conditioners online, rather than just saying it is energy efficient, you could say ‘save $100 on your yearly electricity bill’.

Wrapping Up

As mentioned earlier, you have to perform several iterations and test each version of your product copy till you find the best one that can drive conversions. If you need an extra pair of hands for writing a product copy, you can avail QuikTek Info’s eCommerce content management services to get one written by industry experts. Connect with us by dropping a line to and we will get back to you shortly.

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