Retouching product photos is a cakewalk. You take to Photoshop, have the RGB Color mode checked, create a new path, if need be, use the Pen Tool, add some Transforming and Cloning moves, set the Layer Mode to Multiply, follow a few more intricate steps here and there, and voila! You have perfectly retouched photos.
Crucial Conversion Metrics To Track When Split Testing An eCommerce Website
All eCommerce websites aim for maximum conversions, striving hard to make it big. But the million-dollar question is, how many of them actually track their conversions or more importantly, the driving factors thereof. Using a specific set of tracking metrics is very important because unless you gauge the success of your marketing efforts, you will not get a clear picture, and won’t be able to make amends if need be. And this goes for both the existing eCommerce sellers and the aspiring ones. You may continue to split test different approaches, but you do need some metrics to check if they’re all going in the right direction.
All You Need To Know About Catalog Processing
eCommerce has surely changed the way people think about buying and selling. With a number of eCommerce businesses out there, even the competition knows no bounds. To stand out and prove yourself as a seller, you need to be the best at providing the customers with what they want. And one of the most important things that customers look for is clear and accurate product data to be able to make an informed decision. Consistent catalog processing is necessary to ensure quality product data.
To understand it better, let’s take a deeper dive into catalog processing and discover what all it’s comprised of and why is it important for all eCommerce merchants.
7 Amazon Selling Mistakes Standing In The Way Of Genuine Leads
With the increasing competition, it is now more difficult than ever for Amazon sellers to secure leads. In such a scenario, you just cannot afford to make a mistake. But how would you avoid one if you don’t know where and how you can go wrong in the first place? So, here are 7 of the biggest mistakes that might creep in knowingly or unknowingly along with their possible solutions.
How To Write Highly Converting eCommerce Product Descriptions
Getting prospects to visit your eCommerce product page is one thing, converting them into buyers is another. You may be able to leverage a number of sources such as social media, third-party referrals, paid advertising, etc. to drive traffic to your product page, but the road ahead depends on how well you have described your product. A customer deserves to know all there is to know about your product, for which they should be able to turn to your product description.
Stop Micromanaging. Hire eBay Virtual Assistant To Make Things Easier
With about 179 million active buyers, eBay is the place to be, for every online seller. It’s good exposure, obviously. Catering to a large number of buyers with an aim to increase your conversions does, however, require some serious efforts from your side. You’ll need to optimize your eBay listings, provide customer support, analyze your competitors, upload product data regularly, and whatnot. Sounds like a lot, right? Well, luckily for you, you don’t need to micromanage, not when you can hire an eBay virtual assistant. Why get into the technicalities at the expense of shifting your focus off of your core business tasks when a virtual assistant can do it all for you?
7 eCommerce Content Writing Tips To Crafting A Compelling Product Copy
The content you publish on your eCommerce product page is far more powerful than you’d think. Your product copy has the potential to make or break your sales. To define it, a product description is more of a marketing copy that not only describes a product’s features but also the reason(s) why it’s worth purchasing. Your products might exhibit utmost quality but they won’t be of much use if you can’t describe them well. And that doesn’t just mean listing down their features with the help of meaningless adjectives. You need to go beyond simply describing your products and give your customers a reason to click the Buy button.
How To Upload Bulk Product Data To Your Magento Store A Lot Faster
The number of online shoppers is increasing by the day, giving rise to an even increased number of demands for new products. Customers seek more choices in prices, product range, and customer service, which is why it becomes important for the eCommerce sellers to innovate and add something new to their store. One of the most powerful eCommerce stores that allow online sellers to accomplish the same is Magento. Ever since this platform was introduced, sellers have been able to develop online shops with much ease. Being really flexible, Magento gives a seller total control over their store.
Why Hiring An Amazon Virtual Assistant Is Good For Your Business
As an Amazon store owner, if you are spending anywhere between 6 to 8 hours a day “running” your business, it’s time you seek assistance. Like literally look for an expert who can step in and save the day – an expert who can optimize the listings for you, analyze the competition, offer customer support, track the orders, upload the products, and do everything that you are doing at the moment, thereby giving you enough time to shift the focus off of your non-core activities. Luckily for you, that expert could very well be a virtual assistant (VA), and you need not hire someone in house, not necessarily.
Learn How Product Photos Can Get You More Conversions On Amazon
Do you own a small or medium-sized business that sells its products on Amazon? Well, if you do, you are of course not the only one; there are more than 300,000 others, at least that’s what Forbes suggests. Now with competition this tough, it’s not easy for you to stand out. Or maybe it is All you need to do is to make sure that your product photos are up to par, and more importantly, don’s act as yet another reason for the prospects to take their business elsewhere.